Kientzler Group

About Kientzler Group
The Kientzler Group, located in Gensingen (Germany), one of the biggest and most respected plant breeders in Europe, with more than a century experience, continued their longstanding cooperation with Logiqs when it came time to build their new state of the art 24.000 m2 plant nursery.
After carefully studying the specific requirements of the customer and the desired capacity of the greenhouse, we went on to design, produce and implement a fully automatic rolling container system that uses 2.600 rolling containers (3.925 mm x 1.550 mm) with a yearly growing capacity of more than 150 million plants/year.
Young plants
Rolling bench system with
2.4 hectares
In order to facilitate a flexible internal transport system that could cope with the high requirements of such a high output nursery (example: having to rotate entire 30 container rows on the hour) the choice was made for a transport solution using four custom 2D-Shuttle’s together with automatic transport lines.
The nursery also benefits from highly advanced and efficient irrigation systems, using both Ebb and flood irrigation as well as Automatic Irrigation Booms for precise irrigation and distribution of nutrients, growth regulators and disease inhibitors.
To efficiently integrate and control the Automatic irrigation booms together with the internal transport system we implemented our control and registration software Dat-A-Control V3 along with the Dat-A-Water module which serves for controlling automatic irrigation systems and keep a irrigation history for each individual container.
A 100 Degree Container Cleaner working together with an overhead crane further ensures the high level of hygiene in the greenhouse and reduces that risk of diseases for the crops.
After sales services
Logiqs has its own experienced installation and service team based in the Netherlands, but also collaborates with reliable service engineer teams in several countries so as to prevent unnecessary installation or maintenance costs.
Our customers can always rely on prompt and efficient attention for routine maintenance, breakdown or emergency situations.
Routine preventative maintenance can be tailored to the customer’s choice, with service intervals to suit the specific needs of the logistical system.
Design your Greenhouse
Get in touch with one of our Sales Engineers for more information
Phone: +31 174 514141
Address: Honderdland 841, 2676 LV Maasdijk, The Netherlands